Rotary Foundation of Washington DC Annual Campaign
By Robert Jeffrey SchottSunday, June 4, 2023
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My Dear Friends and Fellow Rotarians:
Among many other important things, our club Foundation enables the following:
- Community Service Grants
- International Service Grants
- Trees for the Capital
- Grate Patrol
- Rotaract Clubs
- Interact Clubs
- Career Fair
- Walter Reed Bingo
- Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
- Disaster Relief
- Rotary Youth Exchange Program
In order for the ROTARY FOUNDATION of WASHINGTON, DC to support these projects it needs funding. Funding depends upon you! The Foundation needs your contributions so, as you read this reminder, please take the opportunity to donate to the Foundation.
You may do so:
By check: Mail your check, payable to:
The Rotary Foundation of Washington, D.C.
P.O. Box 65484
Washington DC 20036
Or hand your check to Kathy at a weekly Rotary meeting.
Online: Go to our club’s website, . Click on “Foundation” at the top of the home page. In the window that opens, scroll down and click on the gold button that says “Donate Now.” In the window that opens, enter the amount that you want to give and choose your method of payment (PayPal, credit card or debit card).
The Rotary Foundation of Washington, D.C. is a §501(c)(3) charitable agency. Our goal every year is to encourage every member of our club to make a donation, no matter how large or how small. We do hope that your contribution will be at least $100, but every contribution is welcome. All donors will receive a letter acknowledging their contribution, giving the amount and confirming that the donation is tax-deductible. You may, also, get a case of Pink Gin!
Thank you, in advance, for your generosity.
Bob Schott
Annual Fund Drive Chair
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