Upcoming Speakers

July 31st 2024 at 12:30 pm
In-Person/Hybrid Washington DC Weekly Club Meeting
Building Sustainable Resilience and Improving Disaster Management 

Dr. Linton Wells II
has more than thirty years of leadership experience at the interface of policy and technology. He is Executive Advisor to George Mason University’s (GMU) Center for Resilient and Sustainable Communities (C-RASC), and chairs the Advisory Group to the C5I Center at GMU.  Recent research has focused on building sustainable community resilience and improving disaster response, international cyber resilience and critical infrastructure protection, countering disinformation in complex information environments, and supply chain risk management, as well as the policy implication of accelerating, converging technological change.

From 1998-2007 Dr. Wells was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDASD) in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) and then in Networks and Information Integration (NII).  He also served as Acting Assistant Secretary and DoD CIO.  In 2014, he completed 51 years with DoD, including 26 years as a Navy surface warfare officer.
He is a 1967 US Naval Academy graduate.  He holds a master’s in mathematical sciences (OR concentration) and a PhD in international relations from Johns Hopkins University.  He is also a graduate of the National Institute for Defense Studies in Tokyo.
See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linton_Wells_II


Upcoming Events

In-Person/Hybrid Washington DC Weekly Club Meeting
Speaker: Dr. Linton Wells II
Topic: Building Sustainable Resilience and Improving Disaster Management 
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Virtual Club Board of Directors Meeting
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Walter Reed Bingo
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
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Monthly Embassy & International Relations Committee Meeting
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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Virtual Club Board of Directors Meeting
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Walter Reed Bingo
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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Monthly Embassy & International Relations Committee Meeting
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Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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Virtual Club Board of Directors Meeting
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Walter Reed Bingo
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
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Monthly Embassy & International Relations Committee Meeting
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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Virtual Club Board of Directors Meeting
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Walter Reed Bingo
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Monthly Membership Committee Meeting
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Monthly Embassy & International Relations Committee Meeting
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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Virtual Club Board of Directors Meeting
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Walter Reed Bingo
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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Virtual Club Board of Directors Meeting
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Walter Reed Bingo
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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DC Rotary Club Grate Patrol
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