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Screening of Chartres: La lumière retrouvée! (Chartres: Light reborn!)
at the French Embassy
May 16, 2023
Chartres: La lumière retrouvée!
Chartres: Light reborn!
Chartres: Light reborn!
The Rotary Club of Washington, D.C., in partnership with the French Cultural Center and the American Friends of Chartres, invites you to the screening of Chartres: La lumière retrouvée! (Chartres: Light reborn!) on May 16th, 2023, at 7:00pm at the French Embassy, 4101 Réservoir Road N.W., Washington DC 20007.
Tickets cost $10 for adults and $8 for minors. A reception will follow the screening of the film and remarks of American and French guest speakers.

The film documents the arts and crafts involved in the restoration of the medieval Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Chartres, France, a UNESCO World Heritage Monument. The Cathedral has the largest collection of 12th and 13th century stained glass, under one roof, in the world. Filmed during the 2014-2017 restoration of the nave, the documentary takes a look at the work of the restorers, conservators, archeologists, scientists, and architects who share their knowledge and passion behind the scenes for this exceptional historical and cultural site. The challenges, techniques, and processes are currently used for the on-going restoration of the transept at Chartres as well as at Notre-Dame de Paris.

Chartres: La lumière retrouvée! Chartres: Light reborn!
Discover the highlights of the restoration of Chartres Cathedral with French and American guest speakers, documentary film and reception.
Ambassadorial Reception
June 2, 2022
June 2, 2022