Meeting in Review - March 1, 2023

By Friday, March 3, 2023
Main article image for story titled 'Meeting in Review - March 1, 2023'On March 1, 2023, the Rotary Club of Washington, DC, held its regular weekly meeting as a hybrid live/Zoom meeting, and welcomed the former President of Rotary International, our District Governor Dr. Sean McAllister, Rotary Club Presidents, and other distinguished Rotarians to a Presidential Assembly to introduce Club Members to the Club’s Twin Clubs. On March 1, 2023, the Rotary Club of Washington, DC, held its regular weekly meeting as a hybrid live/Zoom meeting.  The meeting was a Presidential Assembly to introduce Club Members to the Club’s Twin Clubs. 

President Marilyn Nevy Cruz called the meeting to order at 12:30 PM and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Todd Miller led the introduction of guests and visiting Rotarians.

Sergeant-at-Arms Lola Perez recognized birthdays and anniversaries for the week.

President Marilyn noted the beginning of the Assembly and acknowledged the District Governors for each Rotary District in which a Twin Club is located.  She gave a special thanks to DG Bala Murthy and welcomed Past Rotary International President Gary Huang who participated from Taiwan by Zoom.  She also acknowledged our own DG Sean McAllister who attended in person.

Steve Liston introduced the program and explained that each Twin Club would have a few minutes to discuss their Club.  He emphasized that the primary purpose of today’s assembly was to encourage fellowship with and understanding of our Twin Clubs.  After thanking him for all his effort in putting today’s Assembly together, he turned the program over to Mark Wilson.  Mark introduced the President of the Rotary Club of Athens, followed by the President of the Rotary Club of Bangkok and then the President Elect of the Rotary Club of Edinburgh.  President Marilyn introduced the President of the Rotary Club of San Salvador Maquilishaut; Debbie Peters introduced the Past President of the Harare Dawn Rotary Club.  Mark Wilson then introduced a video presented by the Rotary Club of Manila, followed by a representative from the Paris Academies Rotary Club.  Erminia Scarcella introduced a representative of the Roma Appia Antica Rotary Club.  Mark Wilson presented on behalf of the Santiago Rotary Club.  Ambassador Jasmine Huggins attended the meeting in person and presented on behalf of the Rotary Club of Taipei, where she had been an honorary member during her tenure as Ambassador there.  May O’Brien introduced the video presented by the Rotary Club of Tokyo, and Linda Solomon introduced a representative of the Tunis Doyen Rotary Club.  The Rotary Club of Seoul was unable to attend.    

President Marilyn thanked Mark Wilson for his herculean effort towards today’s Assembly. 

President Marilyn announced that the Member of the Month was Mary Goldsmith, but a more formal presentation of the award would be done at a future meeting.  She also reminded everyone to nominate a Hero.

Todd Miller reminded everyone of that evening’s Community Service Grants Committee meeting.

Sterling Hoffman conducted the raffle, which was won by David Klaus.  He drew the Ace of Spades and took home a very substantial pot.  For his own safety, we will not disclose the amount, but suffice it to say that he could buy every Club member a couple of drinks and still have a lot of money left over. 

The meeting was adjourned at 1:39 PM.  Past President Nancy Riker and Steve Liston were the room producers and Sarah Ross was the producer on Zoom.  Dr. Sam Hancock was the greeter, and Amaa Damdindorj provided hospitality. 


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