2022-2023 DC Rotary Foundation Community Service Grant Awardees!

By Friday, May 5, 2023
Main article image for story titled '2022-2023 DC Rotary Foundation Community Service Grant Awardees!'We are very pleased to announce that the Club’s and Foundation’s Boards at their April meetings have adopted the recommendations of the Community Service Grants Committee and awarded grants to the following organizations for projects in the DC area:  

·      An Open Book Foundation
·      Anacostia Watershed Society
·      Christ House 
·      City Blossoms
·      DC Youth Orchestra Program (DCYOP)
·      District Alliance for Safe Housing                 (DASH)
·      The Family Place, Inc.
·      Free Minds Book Club & Writing                 Workshop
·      Hope and a Home
·      Light The Way Foundation
·      Prevention of Blindness Society of                 Metro Washington 

·      Resources to Inspire Students and                  Educators
·      Right Beginnings, Inc.
·      Salvation Army National Capital Area           Command
·      Street Sense Media
·      Suited for Change 
·      Teens Run DC
·      We Are Family Senior Outreach                      Network
·      Young Men's Christian Association                (YMCA) of Metropolitan Washington

The Foundation will be distributing a total of $95,000 (in addition to the $100,000 Centennial Grant awarded last December) across these organizations.  While the total amount awarded this Rotary Year is an increase as compared to the past few years, it was extremely difficult to narrow the selection because of the number of high-quality applications received from organizations doing important work in our community.  The Committee was extremely pleased to have so many excellent applications (many of them from first-time applicants) and to have so many Club members participate in developing the recommendations.  Thanks to all who assisted either in encouraging applications or in the review and recommendation process. 

Here is a detailed description of the grant recipients for your review.  We hope that everyone will follow these organizations.  The funding letters are going out to all applicants, whether or not awarded a grant, relatively soon.

If you have any questions about these organizations or about the process, please email grants@dcrotaryclub.org.

Yours in Rotary Service,  

Elise Egan & Todd Miller, Co-Chairs 

Community Service Grants Committee

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